Technical Webcasts

Delft Red authors and produces professional technical presentations on the software that we help create. These webcast videos show customers the benefits the products can deliver for them. They also clearly show users how to use the software - all with powerful visual demonstrations.

Delft Red has played a pivotal role in the creation of the MADYMO pre-processing tool XMADgic. It is a multi-platform XML-editor with dedicated functionality to support the user in editing an XML input deck for the MADYMO solver. XMADgic comprises of two parts; the basic XML editor including a viewer for function plots and a geometry viewer showing the graphical representation of a MADYMO XML input deck.

The XMADgic Introductory Tour video explains what XMADgic is all about - in only 5 minutes.

XMADgic Introductory

Or for a significantly longer and more detailed presentation covering all the main functionality of XMADgic, view the XMADgic New Users' Tour video. This presentation is designed to provide a new user with all the background information they need to master the use of XMADgic in only 20 minutes.

Delft Red is also closely invloved in the development of the functionality and user interface design of MADPost, the MADYMO dedicated post-processing tool. MADPost is a powerful post-processor that allows you to visualise and manipulate the results of your simulation work - both animations and time-history plots. MADpost is also a multi-platform tool, available for Windows, Linux, and a wide variety of other Unix platforms.

The MADPost Introductory Tour video gives an introduction to the MADPost post-processor - also all in only 5 minutes.

MADPost Introductory

For authoring our presentations we use Camtasia Studio 3.1.

Contact Delft Red about creating a professional technical webcast of your product.
